Sunday, February 12, 2012

Candelabras are for more than candles!

Thank you Goodwill for this cheap little thing! It is intended for tea light candles, but sometimes a little greenery is a better solution. [Expect more things involving grass to show up on this blog - I bought a small bag of Bermuda grass seed, but that stuff goes further than I thought it would with just a little sprinkle.]

Moss Ball Planter

It's a bit more difficult to find ground moss in Houston than Ohio but when I stumbled upon a small patch the other day on my lunch hour I brought it home and made this little guy. I started with the same mixture that I use for my plant balls - soil, water and a pinch of kitty litter - then added the moss onto the sides. Next, using a tiny plastic shot glass (leftover from my 21st birthday party...4 years ago....), I dug out the center of the dirt ball and buried the cup in the middle to hold the little cutting of Philodendron. That way, if it dies, i can easily lift it out and put in something else without ruining the moss ball.

I love this because I tend to be an over-waterer of plants, and this way I can mist my moss every day and hopefully I won't kill it - hooray!

String Garden Take III

The newest addition to my plant balls...

Hogwarts Teaching Chest

So this craft was not done by me but my sister, Sarah, did such a great job that I wanted to post this. 

For my birthday I received a brown parcel, and when I opened it up, this letter (with these adorable owl earrings) was on top. I had finally gotten my acceptance letter into Hogwarts - however, it was for a teaching position since I'm too old for schooling.

Next I found this pretty chest to hold all of my magical supplies. In it was an array of wonderful things, including wizard money, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, Chocolate Frogs with trading cards (orange chocolate because that's my favorite), and a wizardry notebook - all made by my sister!

Lastly was my "Hogwarts, a History" book - which is actually a Harry Potter book about the movies but she gave it a book cover to make it fit the gift theme - so clever!