Sunday, February 12, 2012

Moss Ball Planter

It's a bit more difficult to find ground moss in Houston than Ohio but when I stumbled upon a small patch the other day on my lunch hour I brought it home and made this little guy. I started with the same mixture that I use for my plant balls - soil, water and a pinch of kitty litter - then added the moss onto the sides. Next, using a tiny plastic shot glass (leftover from my 21st birthday party...4 years ago....), I dug out the center of the dirt ball and buried the cup in the middle to hold the little cutting of Philodendron. That way, if it dies, i can easily lift it out and put in something else without ruining the moss ball.

I love this because I tend to be an over-waterer of plants, and this way I can mist my moss every day and hopefully I won't kill it - hooray!

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