Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hogwarts Follow-up Package

Some of you may remember that my sister, Sarah, made me a fabulous Hogwarts teaching chest for my birthday (see February 2012 posts). Well, as a follow-up to my invitation to teach Muggle Studies, I received a package this summer, complete with everything I would need upon accepting the teaching position. Below is a photo of what she sent me (minus the chocolate frogs- those were eaten long before I got around to photographing all of this).

Here you'll see the wand that my sister made extra special by attaching a door knob to the end - i love green! She also hand-made the clay figurines out of sculpy, and they will adorn my Christmas tree this year.

Additionally, she printed out some coloring pages and an entire paper model of the Hogwarts castle, so I could familiarize myself with the place.

Finally, Sarah got a game of Guess Who and was able to turn it into a Harry Potter version my creating a board and adhering to the back of the original game board. This is to help me get to know my students' names and faces before teaching - love it!

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